Sydney Swimming Pools

Sydney is well known for its opera house and bridge but it also has an impressive collection of ocean pools. These are man-made public seawater pools situated on the surf coast so that waves can wash over their sides. They are sometimes called rock pools or bogey holes, and while Sydneysiders generally refer to the more formalised ocean pools as baths, many coastal communities with a history of ocean swimming have less-formal, informal rock pools that may simply be referred to as pools.

By the 1890s, Sydney’s ocean pools were popular recreational and learn-to-swim venues. Club swimming carnivals were held, including men’s and women’s events and diving competitions. Throughout the interwar years, members of Bondi and Bronte swim clubs developed links with country communities to provide free swim instruction in country areas. In addition, a range of social tourism programs were developed to encourage city-dwellers to visit their country cousins.

The era of the beach pool was shattered in the 1970s by apparent pollution from sewage and industrial waste, which had been dumped into the ocean. This diminished support for ocean pools, and prompted the development of non-tidal public and private swimming pools.

Today, Sydney is home to some of the most beautiful and iconic beaches in the world. However, the ocean still poses a real risk to swimmers and shark attacks remain a constant concern. As a result, the city has invested heavily in shark nets to protect swimmers. While most people associate shark nets with Coogee Beach, the network of nets extends to other iconic swim spots, including Balmoral Baths, Murrage Rose Beach and Dawn Fraser Baths in Vaucluse and Nielsen Park in Concord.

If you are planning to build a pool in your backyard, be sure to find a reputable builder and carefully review their quotes and warranties before you agree to any work. You should also check with NSW Fair Trading to ensure your pool builder is licensed, and that the license number matches the name of the person who signed the contract. In addition, you should check whether any preservation orders prohibit excavation in certain areas of your property.

Another important consideration when choosing a sidney pool is its size. Make sure that it is large enough to accommodate all the family members who will be using it, especially if you have children. You also want to consider the surrounding area, which should be safe and have adequate shade. You should also keep in mind that the pool will require regular maintenance and repairs. In addition, you will need to have a fence around your pool to prevent anyone from gaining access without your permission. The fence should be at least 1.2 metres high and self-latching, and the gates should open away from the pool. The fence should also be free of climbable objects. If you are concerned about safety, talk to a lawyer about your options for protecting yourself against liability.