The iconic ocean pools of Sydney are among the city’s major tourist attractions, regularly featuring in must-do and best outdoor swimming pool lists online. Some, like Bondi Icebergs, are more than 100 years old. They were originally built to protect swimmers from the ferocity of the wild coastline, and in some cases still do. But what makes Sydney’s tidal pools so unique, and how have they evolved to become the iconic attractions that they are today?
The beauty of the sdy pools is that each one is built into and around its natural landscape. They are part of what makes Australia’s southern coast so beautiful, with stunning views over the rocky shoreline and the deep blue-green sea. They have a calming, therapeutic effect, and the gentle swells that come in through the gap between rocks are the perfect way to relax.
It’s also an environment that’s rich in marine life. Jellyfish, whales and dolphins have been known to wash ashore in the area. And even sharks, though they are rare in the waters off NSW, have been spotted in and around some of the pools.
While some locals love the fact that these sdy pools offer a safe place to swim when the waves are too strong, others are concerned that these iconic locations are vulnerable to damage from climate change and the changing sea levels. As a result, the focus for councils and governments right now is on preserving and protecting them.
In the early 20th century, recreational and competitive swimmers demanded safe places to do laps, away from the risk of surfers and shark attacks. This led to the establishment of men’s and women’s ocean swimming clubs, and the creation of tidal pools across Sydney’s coastline.
The popularity of the sdy pools has continued to grow since then, with the pools becoming popular attractions for tourists. But they also provide a safe environment for people who feel too vulnerable to swim in the open water, particularly children and older people.
With the summer heat set to continue for another year, finding ways to escape the relentless sun and have fun in the water is more important than ever. The good news is that you can transform your own backyard into a luxury aquatic retreat by building an inground pool, and Sydney’s best swimming pool builders can help. Sydney Poolscapes is renowned for their outstanding designs and installation of quality-made fibreglass swimming pools for Sydney families. They can help you design the pool of your dreams, ensuring it’s perfectly tailored to your property and lifestyle. They can also advise you on the most suitable materials and features to make your new pool look like a work of art. So contact them today to find out how they can transform your backyard into a paradise.